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Common Questions About AA Coins and Medallions


Have you ever heard of AA coins and medallions? If you have, you might know that they are awarded to people who join AA meetings. You might, however, still have a lot of questions about them. It is good to know that many people have the same questions that you do, and that these questions have definite and specific answers. Here are a few common questions about AA coins and medallions, and their answers.


What is the purpose of AA coins and medallions?


AA coins and medallions you can get at the Token Shop certainly have their specific purpose. This purpose is to give a sense of satisfaction to people. For example, if you have been able to accomplish sobriety for one whole day, you might be awarded a white coin to represent that. If you have accomplished a month of sobriety, you might be awarded a red or green coin, depending on the place you are in. The more days and months and even years you are able to stay sober, the more coins you will be able to collect. These coins and medallions will remind you of your journey into your desired sobriety.


What are AA coins and medallions made of?


AA coins and medallions are made of many different kinds of materials. Some of them are made of plastic. Some of them come in metal or even bronze. It is wonderful to know that they are not always round, but come in many shapes and sizes as well. In some areas, you can even get them in the form of key chains and other items!


What are the benefits of AA coins and medallions?


Using AA coins and medallions has many different benefits. For example, these items help people remember the journey they are on. These items are tangible reminders of the importance and significance of this journey towards sobriety. Also, these coins and medallions serve as encouragement to those who are taking this journey. It is a fact that a lot of human beings want something tangible to hold on to, something that they can see to remind them of something inside themselves. These coins and medallions prove to be wonderful reminders of this. It is well-known that the road towards healing is long, tedious and difficult, and the coins and medallions available here, though they are small, will help people in a huge way. There are certainly a lot of reasons why AA coins and medallions are used in AA meetings, as they provide many wonderful benefits.

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